27 September 2010

weekend over unders.

i've seen a few blogs lately that cleverly paraphrase the writer's weekend.

i think it's cute {like my friend meg} so i'm going to follow suit & see how it goes.


w  e  e  k  e  n  d 
because weekends typically involve {and sometimes revolve around} sports at our house; and because i think it's good to share {in moderation} the good, the bad + the ugly on a blog.  otherwise, things can seem a little too perf.  which sort of annoys me.

so, my overs:

i got to hang with these boys

and these boys at the park + farmer's market on saturday;
while emily took

this girl

and this girl to an all girl birthday party.

i also spent sunday with

this crazy hen
{more on the reason later}
who would probably also like me to share that i put her up to this photo-op.

the season premier of desperate housewives {big fan} was on last night.

i ate pumpkin buckle for the fist time this fall.

my other parents {in-laws} came over for a visit and brought espen a halloween costume that he loves so much that he slept with it and promptly put it on upon waking up. 
{feels good to check that off my list!}

& my unders:

i positively did not get enough sleep + we have an insanely busy week ahead of us.

the laundry has mysteriously piled up out of the closet, where it belongs, and is now trickling down the hall and most of the floors in our upstairs.  including the bathrooms. 
laundry stinks.

WELL, that was fun...  hehe.
but it feels a little weird to end on a blah note. i'll have to think of a remedy for next week.

how about you....  over-unders?

loves . rae

25 September 2010


matilda jane.

there is a really easy solution...

for your hair dilemma...

called a hair clip.

you should love them, like you love your shoes.

and insist on wearing them.


. . . . . . 

mamas, can you relate?

. . . . . . .

on another note,

i bought a really cute pair of boots from target last week.  comfy too.

24 September 2010


not sure about you mamas, but dinner time has been  much more 

enjoyable around our house the last three weeks.

if you have any favorite recipes that you would be willing to share for food friday, 
please send me an email: rae@armommy.com i would love to hear from you.

so, what's for dinner next week?
M . turkey bolognese 
{use leftovers for turkey tomato soup}
Tu. chicken & vegetable curry
W. turkey tomato soup + grilled cheese
{using leftovers from monday}
Th. slow cook greek stuffed peppers
F. cornbread & beef pie
Sa. chicken enchiladas
Su. eggs florentine with spinach + goat cheese

the recipe sheets weren't working out very well, so now i have made individual recipe cards.  you can print them out one at a time or copy, paste and arrange them onto a document together.
let me know if you have trouble!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

now for some table top inspiration
{as seen at my friends wedding}
a bow tie napkin

lay your cloth napkin out flat.
{we use ours almost everyday and as you can see, i don't worry about ironing!}

fold it in half.

and again.

then two thirds of the way over.


and again.  then grab a piece of string, fabric, ribbon or the like.

use it to cinch the middle.

tie a bow {or partial bow} so it's easy for little eaters to untie.

and wallah!  a bow fit for a fancy dinner or mac & cheese.

a great project to keep your children busy while you make dinner.

or let them loose with small pieces of paper and coloring utensil and ask them to create 
name tags.

fun + simple.

happy eating!

and friday.

and weekend.

xo . rae

20 September 2010

a toot {tutorial}

last week while visiting with my friend emily, i pointed out {a tad embarrassed} that my spring wreath was STILL occupying space on my front door.  because she is crafty, creative, resourceful and just plain talented, she promptly offered some ideas for an update and we set a date to make a new wreath.

here is the:


much better!

i highly suggest {for more reasons then this tutorial} that you hop on over to her site for the details.

you won't need a sewing machine, just a few materials from the store and odds and ends lying around your home.

it would also be cute hung in a window, over a bed, in an empty frame or in the bathroom
{among other places}

what updates are you ready to make for fall???
what is your biggest challenge when it comes to preparing your home
for seasons + holidays?

17 September 2010


welcome to the second installment of
just one more reason why i love fridays!
don't forget we have a free menu + shopping list to download
{located along the right side of the blog}
hope it makes jotting down meals + groceries a little more... cute.

my mom {jane} did our menu this week and it's delish.
can't wait to put the recipes to use next week!

part i
what's for dinner?
M. chicken marsala + brown rice
Tu. meatball sandwiches + french fries + fruit
W. breakfast for dinner – yeah!
Th. meatball soup + applesauce
{using leftovers from tuesday night}
F. apricot glazed chicken
Sa. sausage supper + garlic bread
Su. five hour stew

you can click the images below and print.
you may have to change your printer setting to "landscape" so they print
on a full page.

some pictures from our own "chicken marsala" dinner:

{mmm...  i wish we were having this tonight!}

{pops needed to make sure and give his fave brew a shout out}

{some very meaningful, clearly spoken conversation going on i'm sure}

{not a big fan of peas, but they look delish in a striped red bowl, yeah?}

+ lastly, a quote i read the other day that i wanted to share...

{so true. don't you think?}


part ii

let me introduce you to... a vey good option for breakfast or snack-time on the go!
breakfast in a cookie
i included the recipe with the meals above.

{easy to make, even for lil' helpers}

{scrumptious even before they bake}

the recipe makes a ton.  we stuck half of them in the freezer for the next time
a busy week sneaks up on us!

my little brood of three loves them.  especially tilly, who even after having several, 
still refers to them as "cookies".

if you are interested in their nutritional value:
per 2 cookies - 220 calories . 7g fat . <1g sat. fat . 5g fiber . 127mg sodium . 6g protein
37g carbohydrates . 17g sugar {mostly natural}

have a super weekend y'all!

loves . rae

15 September 2010

fall.ing for it.

some autumn love.
{your favorite thing about the fall?}

and the start of our to do list for the season.
{what is on yours?}

and due to my love for antlers - the greatest picture ever.
{i only wish it was me in the frame.  i would hang it by the hubs bedside for sure}
{have any fun infatuations lately?} 

and the fall fashion that i am saying 
"yes, please!" to...
s o c k s .
for 3 reasons
1. my feet will be happier warm 
2. it's an inexpensive, layer inducing, interest building accessory
3. it reminds me of my childhood.
-which is sadly something my mom would have said-
{what fall fashion are you excited about?}

anything else that you are fall.ing for this fall?