18 November 2009

be encouraged.


[this picture has nothing to do with the post.  just thought it was fun.]

below is an excerpt from a book written for single moms by a single mom.  jana [armommy sales] and i, who have both been solo moms, read this book as a tool for a fellowship group we started.  it came as a bit of a surprise to me that i would be greatly affected, even today as a married mom of 3, by the words on the pages of angela thomas’ book.  there is no question that single moms face challenges that some of us won’t experience, but we will all face hardships, disappointments, and setbacks.  because of that i believe you will be blessed by the paragraphs below [chosen by jana]…

A home with one parent is not the path I had intended for my children, but the bigger question continues to be, how now shall we live? I want to become a woman with a changed life. A healthy heart. A full, alive, and passionate soul. If this happens for you not only have you reaped the benefits personally but your kids will get a head start, because they will have lived in a  place where

[difficult circumstances became a really great life.]

How cool will that life lesson be for them? I think it will serve to give them tools they'll need to overcome life's inevitable disappointments and failures. I think they will understand more about hope. I believe that if you live healthy in front of them, they might just grow up to become healthy balance adults who multiply and pass on the beauty of God's redemption.

What God does for us fills the emptiness so that we are able to give that same kind of selfless love to our children, our families and the friends that walk alongside us. When I am full of the knowledge of God, made clean by His forgiveness, and walking in the grace He had given me, then I am a  really cool  mom. I am not Supermom, but in that full place, I know that I am loving my children as they were made to be loved.

When I am full, I am not wishy-washy about my role as protector or provide. I overlook the small things. I major on the kids' hearts and look into their eyes and hear what's on the inside of them, trying to get out. I am not whiny or grumbling. I forgive them even as I'm giving out consequences. I dance with them more and take longer to brush their hair or watch a new skateboard trick. I am peaceful because I am living from the gift of God's peace to me. I know they can feel the difference. I am not empty, and they are the benefactors.

God's grace flows freely from my heart into theirs. And we are better. And life is brighter. And hope abounds.

Angela Thomas  ::  My SIngle Mom Life

b e   e n c o u r a g e d !


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